Altered Myths /3113 This prolific pair from Penarth bring us an audio onslaught akin to apocalyptic omens and impending dread. 3113 is concise, focused and unsettling. Is it a track or a warning? It brings […]
Altered Myths /3113 This prolific pair from Penarth bring us an audio onslaught akin to apocalyptic omens and impending dread. 3113 is concise, focused and unsettling. Is it a track or a warning? It brings […]
It feels like forever since I had my face melted off by the intense-soup starter that was Lacertilia, leading up to my main course which was a joint of Weedeater with a side of Jim […]
Lead Upto It’s not often that I attend a gig alone, certainly not gigs that you know are going to exceptionally loud and raucous, but when I bought my ticket I figured I’d probably see […]
The Shonk (c) 2018