Altered Myths /3113 This prolific pair from Penarth bring us an audio onslaught akin to apocalyptic omens and impending dread. 3113 is concise, focused and unsettling. Is it a track or a warning? It brings […]
Altered Myths /3113 This prolific pair from Penarth bring us an audio onslaught akin to apocalyptic omens and impending dread. 3113 is concise, focused and unsettling. Is it a track or a warning? It brings […]
Every now and again you come across a musician who not only leaves you in awe but also makes your blood boil due their incredible talent. James Oliver is one such person, it’s almost impossible […]
It feels like forever since I had my face melted off by the intense-soup starter that was Lacertilia, leading up to my main course which was a joint of Weedeater with a side of Jim […]
Portuguese psych band Boy and girl, guitar and drums Lots of hair also
Having seen, and been blown away by these guys at Bristol Psych Fest, we at The Shonk were eager to catch these guys in a much smaller, more personal setting at one of our favourite […]
The Burning Hell… without doubt are one of the greatest bands to exist in all of time and I can say that with confidence because I have lost count of how many times I have […]
The Shonk (c) 2018