Many months ago I got the hankering for a festival. I didn’t fancy the fast paced turbo charged carnage of Boomtown, a festival so amazing that you never see any of the acts you have planned because something else will always distract you!

Sadly this year there was no Surplus so this left me no choice but to consider another option. Then one evening I saw an advert for Green Man and I remembered that this had been a popular festival for friends of mine in the past, some as festival goers and some as performers!

The line up for 2018 was exciting and brimming with music that I had really wanted to see, from a logical perspective it was cheaper to buy a Green Man ticket than to attempt to see all the acts at individual gigs, it would also make getting to see them easier as all I’d have to do is walk from one stage to another.

I bought my ticket and paid for it via three monthly instalments which was great because I didn’t even notice that I was paying for the ticket. However that did bring on some panic later in the year when I realised that I couldn’t find any evidence of having paying for my ticket because I’d used a different email address and it wasn’t until my ticket actually arrived that I knew for sure that I was going! I was so relieved when it arrived!

Following on from Arbiter Titan’s great example I decided to draft myself an itinerary and do my utmost best to stick to it. I had agreed to take along Ukulele GrahamĀ , a friend from a local open mic night as we were both going alone which seemed easy enough as neither of us were obligated to have to spend time with each other if we had places to be – the best type of person to take to a festival if you intend on seeing specific acts!

Thursday was a busy day and I had to go to one of my ‘other’ jobs before picking up Ukulele Graham from his actual journalist job at an actual reputable news centre. To my surprise I managed to turn up at his place of work not only on time but with everything I had intended to bring! The van was loaded and ready for our mini-road trip to the good town of Crickhowell.

Excited and free of all responsibility (except for operation of vehicle) we set off for Green Man and everything that it had to offer us!

It took no time at all to get there and the transition from work to city traffic to slowly navigating a field to find somewhere to park seemed to be running at a montage pace!

It wasn’t until we got to the car park that the scale of the festival started to sink in, I knew that it had grown massively over the 15 years since it had started out as a folk festival consisting of a few hundred people and I had even seen a map of the grounds but I don’t think you can truly appreciate the scale of an event until you enter the car park and realise how likely it is that you’re going to lose your vehicle.

Once we had settled on the ideal parking spot (criteria; that’ll do) the realisation of moving physical items from A to B became apparent! But hark! What did we spy? People with large blue trolleys passing us from all angles. Some coming, some going, some loaded up with 5 day’s worth of KitKats and children, others taking on the form of a mini-micro off licence. It didn’t matter to us what was being carted, the point was that carting was an option. Carts were available and cart we would our stuff from the van (not a cart) to the camp (also not a cart) WITH THE CART! MY GOD GRAHAM, GO GET US A CART!

So he did.

It was incredibly useful, especially as I still needed to use my fold-out festival trolley courtesy of Brecon Aldi a few weeks prior to Green Man (I knew it would come in useful!)

We made our way down the hill in search of the gatehouse, our only point of reference given to us by the Le Pub team who were overseeing and running the Help Refugees shop and collection point near the entrance. Fortunately the only direction we required to find them was ‘down’ and within 15 minutes of downing we found their camp and made it 35% more awesome by extending it with our tent and presence.

The next goal was to find someone with a program so that I could jot down where and what was on over the next few days, I wanted to buy my own especially as it came with a lanyard and I just LOVE lanyards but my festival budget was decidedly tight and the idea of sustenance was slightly more appealing (only slightly) than a lanyard!

With our tents setup, the groundsheet down, camp stove ready to build hot beverages, cameras charged, umbrella hat packed and a hastily scrawled list of bands and artists in my notebook I was ready to begin my adventure.

Ukulele Graham and I set off in the direction of the music, as that always seems to be a good direction to follow at any festival, or anywhere actually… there’s nothing more exciting that walking up the road or track or whatever is laid out before you, merging with a diverse crowd of music lovers, streaming into the direction of tunes, the bass growing under your foot from a gradual hum into something that starts to move you and vibrate you towards it, like a hypnotic conveyor belt it summons you psirenly into an orderly river of weak-willed rhythm addicts and lures you towards it. We were in that river and we didn’t need a paddle because we were happy with the direction in which it was coursing.

Suddenly shapes, colours and sounds started to form all around us as we transitioned from the residential district of Tentfordshire into the beating heart of the temporary town. Paths, routes and avenues meandered off towards inviting and enticing stages and platforms, all cwtched up quietly for the first night, quietly presenting themselves and reminding us of what was to come over the next few days.

UG’s first mission was to establish the exact location of the dance tent which took about 3 minutes from the moment we left the tent. Satisfied that he knew where his home away from home away from home was we made our way semi-unwittingly into the main area that was dominated by the cathedral-like Mountain stage. Beautifully positioned with the Sugarloaf right behind it, poised unmoving like a protective barrier between us and the rest of the world – allowing the heavy, looming black clouds to tumble over it and bounce off the landscape missing us entirely!

Thursday was a fairly quiet evening made up of settlers who had been there all week and people who couldn’t wait to escape reality like us, with most things due to begin on Friday it felt like we’d had special ‘early’ access to help get our bearings, we explored the lay of the land for a while whilst waiting for the main act of that evening (for us at least) to start in the Far Out tent.

And what better way to begin an incredible festival in the heart of Wales than to experience Public Broadcasting Service commemorating Welsh history, culture and industry with their absolutely sublime ‘People Will Always Need Coal’ track. Everyone and their proverbial dog had made their way up to the Far Out tent to catch the performance because frankly it was unmissable. It made getting to the front impossible but it certainly reminded me of the importance of turning up slightly earlier for vantage points (something I still didn’t really adjust to!) – the sound was incredible and it PBS were the optimum band to see first. In fact I think that all festivals should open with a PBS performance, their ability to roll out these great plateaus of never ending musical terrain in front of you is astonishing. The journey they take you on is split divisively between the ethereal and the concrete; this idea generated by the fusion of post-rock driving guitar riffs and melodies that dance around the fires of freedom and the cold and controlled information provided by the early samples that they have used – this is what these guys do and they do it beautifully. I find that it creates a double appeal, being a fan of British PathĆ© films and old infomercials and far out spacious aural delights makes PBS ideal to see and they were certainly one of (30ish) reasons I chose Green Man this year.

The rest of Thursday evening was dedicated to the acquisition of food (a delicious BBQ wrap full of ingredients!), making friends and mapping out the festival. We had a great chat with the keepers of the putt-putt boat stall who were making and selling beautiful candle powered ‘toy’ boats – something I remember owning in my childhood, I bounded up to their shop shouting ‘ohmigod Lewis would love this!’ (we had recently discussed these boats and he had never seen or heard of them before!) – truly fascinating and so much fun, I implore you all to go out and buy one! Or two, because then you can race them!


After a freezing cold night of broken sleep because I had left all of my suitable layers in the van it was time to begin Operation Itinerary – but not before some insta-lattes and a brief musical jam with the instruments we had dragged there with us. It was quite nice actually, we had good feedback off passers by (lots more people turning up for the festivities) and we even had a visitor come jam with us on his way to his tent. A chap from South Africa who played a bit of jazzy-reggae (jeggae / Razz) with us before heading off again. Satisfied with our musical abilities we set off, first of all heading to the Far Out tent again to check on a real Shonk favourite, The Lovely Eggs. I have only ever seen them in relatively small venues which had always been packed out, the last few shows being sold out as well! But to see them so far away on that stage with thousands of people packing into a tent to enjoy their greatness was incredible to witness. I felt so much joy for them as clearly people had good musical taste! A big stick hovered above the crowd complete with the Lovely Eggs ‘Fuck It’ scarf (we had tied ours to a fence near the tent) – it was absolutely pumping, and you could really take in how much kick they have as a two-piece because it was vibrating through us! We didn’t stay long, it was more to make sure they were okay and being suitably enjoyed, we were happy that they were and that meant that we could continue our journey.

We made our way over to The Mountain stage to catch Amber Arcades, a band I had seen once before supporting Grandaddy in Bristol (last year I think) and I had really enjoyed them. Now I could enjoy them again and one thing I learnt quickly was the basin-valley type arrangement around The Mountain Stage is acoustically incredible. There’s a 2/300foot radius around the main stage where everything sounds great no matter where you are which is quite surreal and brought on a few anxieties about how close I needed to be to a band to have actually ‘seen them’.


Amber Arcades were incredible, they pan the genres picking out hints of folk, country, psych, post-rock, indie… a real cheese-board of assorted sounds, delivered beautifully withĀ Annelotte De Graaf at the helm letting her lyrical splendour dance across the dream-scape of sound. It’s important to point out that Annelotte drew a little cat on a record I bought off her last year and that can really raise one’s respect of a musician (ten-fold!).

Their tracks are as optimistic and enlightening as they are melancholy and at times heartbreaking. It comes from the mixture of feelings behind it all, lyrics about break ups, heavy hearts, stress, emotional baggage and that’s just the stuff I clocked or at least related to, but the instrumentation keeps cheery and upbeat, it’s a light but reflective emotional experience that’s just right for a Friday afternoon in a field.

Amber Arcades playing The Mountain Stage!

It was this point in the day where UG and I parted ways, his desire for the dance tent was too much for him to fight and so we informally agreed to ‘see each other later’ – I ventured to the coffee place to grab a quick latte before Eleanor Friedberger took to the stage. I know it’s extreme but, I love her. Firey Furnaces are immense, a peculiar and at times sinister carnival of sound that twists around bleak and unsavoury narratives. I let out a little ‘squee’ of excitement when I realised that she was playing, personally I’d have been happy if her and I could sip tea from dainty cups whilst slouching in big arm chairs as I asked questions about whether or not my understanding of the Widow City album is correct or not. But y’know, I had to settle for watching one of her performances – ho ho, woe is me! – it was positively electric! Watching a single human person dominate a vast stage and allow themselves to be fully consumed by their own groove is a magical event to witness. As she chopped and changed from guitar wielding to microphone caressing across a varied score of self-written, indiesque guitar tunes to backing track driven ballads documenting obscure and shady observations of the creative underclass. Eleanor’s voice like melted chocolate elevated me to a place both comfortable and sharp.

Eleanor Friedberger playing The Mountain Stage!

[big gap, where was I?]

My itinerary must have started itching in my pocket as I became aware that my diversion must end and so I journeyed back to the Far Out tent ahead of schedule to get the best vantage point I could so that I could witness the terrifying wonderment of Beak>. What unfolded before me was an unsettlingly cosmic venture through a spatial tunnel between time and space. Something akin to the tunnel / boat scene in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, there was no way of knowing where this was going. A kaleidoscopic carpet of interstellar nylon was seamlessly unravelled before us, allowing us to transcend into a dimension equal parts claustrophobic and vast.

Beak> playing Far Out

…I made my way to the Walled Garden to catch a glimpse of Snail Mail, a band I initially discovered through Spotify suggestions and then suddenly realised that they were being talked about a lot. That’s as far as my knowledge went so I was eager to see them in the real and absorb their sound. I was blown away by what I heard, something seemingly innocuous but hard hittingly haunting as well. The music is a stark back-drop, a long meandering road through dense woodland that carries the voice of Lindsey Jordan for an eternal distance before arriving at the centre of your soul. They clutch you tightly as a friend would when they need to remind you that we are all broken. It’s painful yet soothing, like a truth we didn’t know we needed.

An absolute must see for me was another band playing at the Far Out tent, a band I had discovered through one of The Shoracle’s mystery Christmas records and a band that for some reason I assumed was from Paris and also assumed consisted of around three members. I could not have been so wrong, it was of course Whyte Horses who I now know are from Manchester and there aren’t three of them, there are ten of them! TEN! Ten beautiful humans all contributing to the poppy, dreamy soundscape of one of those heavily saturated old french films…except it doesn’t exist. I think that’s where I got Parisian from but there was always part of me that thought they might also be from Japan. I guess if you combine Japan and Paris you get Manchester, who knew?

The first thing that blew my socks right off was them opening with a sample from Season 3. of Twin Peaks! Being a big Peaksy fanboy I couldn’t contain myself and almost dropped the camera in place of shouting ‘DOUGIE JONES’ at the stage. I refrained and caught the moment for prosperity and TP fans alike. The 300 band members made their way on stage and started their chapter of stage reign with a dark and foreboding instrumental before bursting into one of my favourites, The Snowfalls!

What an absolute delight it is to watch Whyte Horses conjuring up a vast, ethereal sound that swirls up all around you, pulling you into a soft world of pillows and happiness. I loved their stage presence too because they all had their own little parties going on. On the far side team rhythmic strings were having their own little get together, in the middle it was the lead-singerĀ soiree where all the loose dancing was going on, near me was the twinkly-string section, swaying with their guitars and (violin?), then at the back you had the percussion and synth guys getting loose with their plethora of plinks and swoothes. And obviously the drummer was there too.

They were sheerly brilliant and I left their performance elated and thoroughly warm.

Whyte Horses playing Far Out!

It was then time to make my way from there to the Rising Stage, passing via Mountain to catch a little of Dirty Projectors, another band I only know through spotify. They have an interesting sound, off kilter but wholesome and optimistic. There were points where I thought the vocalist sounded a little like Tom kenny and that changed how I pictured the band entirely, it made me chuckle which was a good reaction. I didn’t stay long but I didn’t dislike what I was listening to – more time needs to be invested in their sound.

By now I was following a river of people heading into a dark and unknown corner of the festival, I asked someone ‘am I going the right way?’ they asked ‘where is it that you are going’ I told them and they confirmed that I was going the right way, I was then invited into their fold and assured that they’d get me there safely. They introduced themselves and assisted me in crossing the stream that was required to make it to the stage. UG had been bigging this band up since we had arrived and he had told everyone we had met to come and see them which worried me because that was a lot of people and if they all went we might not have fitted!

It was of course Black Midi a band who up until UG had mentioned them I had not heard of, or at least I hadn’t remembered them if someone had told me about them. I didn’t know anything about them at all and the word ‘midi’ was a real thought-thrower, was it a red herring? Were they electro? UG had told me that their drummer was off the chain so I at least knew that they had a drummer.

Well shit, nothing could have prepared me for them anyway! I was over the moon to work out that they were exactly my cup of tea within the first 4 seconds of their performance. I was a fair way back but the sound was perfect where I was standing, I could see four figures in what appeared to be orange overalls (which they weren’t!) and sure enough there was a drummer who happened to be off the chain! All expectations exceeded!

I witnessed something so mashed up and wildly influenced by so many great things that it sort of looped around on the scale allowing it to become wholly original and fresh. There were essences of greats like Slint and Fugazi but wildly distorted and dripping in a hypomanic math-rock, glitch out frenzy – overlaid with sinister vocals that sounded as I’d imagine a warped flight safety video playing on a continuous loop amidst a plane wreckage would sound as it slowly melted – beautiful.

All buzzed up from the exquisite sounds that I had been fed I made my way back to The Mountain stage for the final act of the evening before it was time to disappear into the night in search of warmth and sustenance.

I was particularly excited for the next band, don’t get me wrong I was excited to see pretty much everything that unfolded before me across the duration of the weekend but this was a band that I had had on my ‘see’ list for some time, I had just never got around to it. Yet another band introduced to me by The Shoracle who I think we can all agree at this point has incredible taste.

And so it was that I had my mind lifted from my human form as King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard engulfed the lowly landscape in an extraterrestrial bubble of kaleidoscopic thunder peril! The ten million member strong mega-unit blasted endless waves ofĀ psychotomimetic aural overdoses across the crowd like some sort of dark magic. The energy being created on stage was palpable and fuelling a frantic spin-drier frenzy of crazed moshers at the front.Ā 

They wove tracks together like a hallucinatory patchwork blanket that stretched out from the stage across us all, wrapping us up and compelling us to move to our own perceptions. They played for an eternity that was over all too soon, every fibre of my being had been willingly sapped of all energy. I had been traversed across a plain of unprecedented musical delights from the moment I had woken up until now – and it was only Friday.

IMG 1432

After the performance we located the fire pit and chilled there for a while, reflecting on the overwhelming joy my time at Green Man had been so far. The sights, the smells, the people, everything was wonderful and there was still so much to get through. I hoped that my supply of sachet lattes would be enough to get me through the weekend.

At some point I returned to the camp, eager to start the next day which you can read all about in part 2!






About dukeofearl 67 Articles
Duke Of Earl was carried across from the corporate takeover in 2009, he was allowed to continue a service to The Shonk as a holistic journalist but was disavowed as Arbiter due to shenanigans.


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  19. ŠæрŠ¾ŠµŠŗт Š¾Š±Š¾Ń€ŃƒŠ“Š¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ Š“Š»Ń Š°ŠŗтŠ¾Š²Š¾Š³Š¾ Š·Š°Š»Š° шŠŗŠ¾Š»Ń‹ [url=][/url] .

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  21. ŠŠøŠŗŠ¾Š»Š°ŠµŠ² Š’ŃŃ‡ŠµŃŠ»Š°Š² ŠšŠ¾Š½ŃŃ‚Š°Š½Ń‚ŠøŠ½Š¾Š²Šøч [url=][/url] .

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  381. Growth and innovation are essential to progress and sustainability in the energy industryā€™s dynamic environment. This conversation dives into key systems and drives pushing progressions in energy, molding the scene for monetary turn of events and mechanical forward leaps.
    [url=]DEL MAR ENERGY[/url]
    In the ever-evolving landscape of the American energy sector, Del Mar Energy stands out as a beacon of progress and innovation. With its commitment to excellence and dedication to advancing the nationā€™s economy, this industrial powerhouse has garnered praise from the government and lawmakers alike. In 2023, Del Mar Energy received commendations from the U.S. government and a Texas senator for its contributions to economic growth, alongside the inauguration of its own solar panel manufacturing facility catering to wholesale and retail markets.
    Del Mar Energyā€™s journey towards excellence began decades ago, rooted in a vision to revolutionize the energy industry. Since its inception, the company has been at the forefront of driving economic prosperity while embracing sustainable practices. Its strategic investments in various sectors, coupled with a relentless pursuit of innovation, have propelled Del Mar Energy to the summit of industrial success.

    The year 2023 marked a significant milestone for Del Mar Energy as it received accolades from government officials for its role in bolstering the nationā€™s economy. Through job creation, infrastructure development, and strategic partnerships, Del Mar Energy has become a linchpin of economic growth, particularly in regions like Texas where its operations are deeply entrenched.

    The commendations bestowed upon Del Mar Energy underscored the companyā€™s unwavering commitment to excellence and its pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape of the nation. Such recognition not only validates the companyā€™s efforts but also serves as a testament to its enduring impact on society.

    In tandem with its commendation, Del Mar Energy embarked on a new chapter of innovation by launching its own solar panel manufacturing facility. This strategic move not only aligned with the companyā€™s commitment to sustainable energy but also positioned it as a frontrunner in the renewable energy revolution.

    The decision to venture into solar panel production was met with enthusiasm from both the industry and consumers alike. Del Mar Energyā€™s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility boasts cutting-edge technology and a commitment to quality, ensuring that its solar panels meet the highest standards of efficiency and durability.

    Moreover, by catering to both wholesale and retail markets, Del Mar Energy has democratized access to solar energy, making it more accessible to businesses and households across the country. This not only drives the adoption of renewable energy but also fosters economic growth by creating new avenues for revenue generation and job opportunities.

    As Del Mar Energy continues to chart new territories in the energy sector, its commitment to innovation and sustainability remains unwavering. By leveraging its expertise and resources, the company is poised to shape the future of energy, driving economic growth and environmental stewardship hand in hand. With commendations from government officials and a pioneering foray into solar panel production, Del Mar Energy is setting the stage for a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.

    Information contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party content provider. Frankly and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. If you are affiliated with this page and would like it removed please contact

  382. Elon Musk was star guest this year at an annual conference organized by Italian PM Giorgia Meloniā€™s Brothers of Italy party.
    [url=]ŠŗрŠ°ŠŗŠµŠ½ 13 [/url]
    He arrived against the backdrop of an ice-skating rink and an ancient castle in Rome with one of his 11 children to tout the value of procreation.

    Italy has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and Musk urged the crowd to ā€œmake more Italians to save Italyā€™s culture,ā€ a particular focus of the Meloni government.
    Meloni has been a strong opponent of surrogacy, which is criminalized in Italy, but there was no mention of Muskā€™s own recent children born of surrogacy.

    The owner of X (formerly called Twitter) was slightly rumpled with what could easily be argued the least stylish shoes in the mostly Italian crowd since Donald Trumpā€™s often unkempt former top adviser Steve Bannon appeared at the conference in 2018.
    Meloni sat in the front row taking photos of Musk, who she personally invited. Meloni founded the Atreju conference in 1998, named after a character in the 1984 film ā€œThe NeverEnding Story.ā€

  383. bicrypto ā€“ crypto exchange software. White label, open-source exchange solution with a focus on a super-fast, pixel-perfect interface and robust security. High-performance platform with a robust internal architecture. Leverages the capabilities of Nuxt3 to create a cutting-edge user interface.

  384. Š”Š¾Ń‚Š½Šø Š° тŠ°ŠŗŠ¶Šµ тыс. тŠ¾Š½Š½ Š³Ń€ŃƒŠ·Š¾Š² трŠ°Š½ŃŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚Šøруются ŠµŠ¶ŠµŃ‡Š°ŃŠ½Š¾ ŠæŠ¾ Šø стŠ°Ń€ Šø Š¼Š»Š°Š“ Š¼Šøру. Š”Š Š“Š° Š¼Ń‹ с тŠ¾Š±Š¾Š¹ Š³Š¾Ń€Š“ŠøŠ¼ŃŃ чтŠ¾Š±Ń‹, яŠŗŠ¾ юрчŠ°ŃŃ‚ŃŒ ŠøŠ· Š“Š°Š½Š½Š¾Š¹ Š²ŠµŠ»ŠøŠŗŠ¾ŃŽ Š¼Š°ŃŃŃ‹ трŠ°Š½ŃŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚ŠøруŠµŃ‚ся Š½Š° Š½Š°ŃˆŠøх Š°Š²Ń‚Š¾Š¼Š¾Š±ŠøŠ»ŃŃ…. Š”Š° Š¼Ń‹ с тŠ¾Š±Š¾Š¹ Š¾Š±ŠµŃŠæŠµŃ‡ŠøŠ²Š°ŠµŠ¼ Š½Š°Š½ŠµŃˆŠ½ŠøŠ¼Šø Š°Š²Ń‚Š¾Ń‚Ń€Š°Š½ŃŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚Š½Ń‹Š¼Šø усŠ»ŃƒŠ³Š°Š¼Šø Š¶ŠøŠ»ŃŒŃ†Š¾Š² ŠœŠ¾ŃŠŗŠ²Ń‹.

  385. Š§Ń‚Š¾ тŠ°ŠŗŠ¾Šµ ŠæрŠ¾Š³Š¾Š½ ŠæŠ¾ ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠøŠ»ŃŠ¼?
    ŠŠ° фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼Š°Ń… ŠæрŠø ŠŗŠ°Š¶Š“Š¾Š¼ ŠæрŠ¾Š³Š¾Š½Šµ рŠµŠ³ŠøстрŠøруŠµŃ‚ся Š½Š¾Š²Ń‹Š¹ юŠ·ŠµŃ€, Š² ŠæрŠ¾Ń„Š°Š¹Š»Šµ ŠŗŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Ń€Š¾Š³Š¾ Š² ŠæŠ¾Š»Šµ Š’ŠµŠ±ŃŠ°Š¹Ń‚ ŠøŠ»Šø Š”Š¾Š¼Š°ŃˆŠ½ŃŃ стрŠ°Š½ŠøцŠ° стŠ¾Šøт Š²Š°ŃˆŠ° ссыŠ»ŠŗŠ°. Š¢Š°ŠŗŠ¶Šµ Š² Š½ŠµŠŗŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Ń€Ń‹Ń… фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼Š°Ń… ŠµŃŃ‚ŃŒ Š²Š¾Š·Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ Š² ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠøŠ»ŃŒ Š²ŃŃ‚Š°Š²Šøть ŠæŠ¾Š“ŠæŠøсь, туŠ“Š° Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ Š²ŃŃ‚Š°Š²Šøть ссыŠ»Šŗу с Š°Š½ŠŗŠ¾Ń€Š¾Š¼. Š’сŠµ этŠ¾ Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ Š²Š°Ń€ŃŒŠøрŠ¾Š²Š°Ń‚ŃŒ. Š’ ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠøŠ»ŃŃ… ссыŠ»ŠŗŠø Š¶ŠøŠ²ŃƒŃ‚ Š“Š¾Š²Š¾Š»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ Š“Š¾Š»Š³Š¾, т.Šŗ. Š½ŠµŃ‚ сŠæŠ°Š¼Š° Š² чŠøстŠ¾Š¼ Š²ŠøŠ“Šµ, Šø ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠøŠ»Šø Š½Šµ Š¼Š¾Š·Š¾Š»ŃŃ‚ Š³Š»Š°Š·Š° Š½Šø чŠøтŠ°Ń‚ŠµŠ»ŃŠ¼ фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼Š°, Š½Šø Š¼Š¾Š“ŠµŃ€Š°Ń‚Š¾Ń€Š°Š¼. ŠŸŃ€Š¾Š³Š¾Š½ ŠæрŠ¾ŠøŠ·Š²Š¾Š“Šøтся ŠæŠ¾ŃŠ»ŠµŠ“Š½ŠµŠ¹ Š²ŠµŃ€ŃŠøŠµŠ¹ хруŠ¼ŠµŃ€Š° с сŠµŃ€Š²ŠµŃ€Š° с Š¼Š°ŠŗсŠøŠ¼Š°Š»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ Š²Š¾Š·Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾Š¹ сŠŗŠ¾Ń€Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒŃŽ Šø ŠæрŠ¾ŠøŠ·Š²Š¾Š“ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒŃŽ.
    ŠŸŠžŠ”Š ŠžŠ‘ŠŠ•Š•
    ŠŠžŠ’Š«Š™ [url=]ŠžŠ¢Š›Š˜Š§ŠŠ«Š™ VPN[/url] Š”Š›ŠÆ XRUMERA!
    Š—Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠ»ŠµŠ“Š½ŠøŠµ Š½ŠµŠ“ŠµŠ»Šø сŠ¾ŃŃ‚Š¾ŃŠ»Š°ŃŃŒ сŠµŃ€Šøя Š²Š°Š¶Š½Ń‹Ń… Š¾Š±Š½Š¾Š²Š»ŠµŠ½ŠøŠ¹ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ»ŠµŠŗсŠ°: XAuth, Captchas Benchmark, XRumer, XEvil 6.0 [Beta]. Š’ XEvil 6.0 [Beta] Š¾Š±Š½Š¾Š²Š»ŠµŠ½ Š¼ŠµŃ…Š°Š½ŠøŠ·Š¼ Š¾Š±Ń€Š°Š±Š¾Ń‚ŠŗŠø hCaptcha Šø Š¼Š½Š¾Š³Š¾Šµ Š“руŠ³Š¾Šµ, Š² XAuth ŠæŠ¾Š²Ń‹ŃˆŠµŠ½Š° стŠ°Š±ŠøŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ рŠ°Š±Š¾Ń‚Ń‹, Š² XRumer ŠæŠ¾Š²Ń‹ŃˆŠµŠ½Š° эффŠµŠŗтŠøŠ²Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ, устрŠ°Š½Ń‘Š½ ряŠ“ ŠæŠ¾Š³Ń€ŠµŃˆŠ½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŠµŠ¹ Šø Š¾Š±Š½Š¾Š²Š»ŠµŠ½Ń‹ ŠæрŠøŠ»Š°Š³Š°ŠµŠ¼Ń‹Šµ Š±Š°Š·Ń‹.

  386. Š’сŠµ сŠ°Š¼Š¾Šµ ŠøŠ½Ń‚ŠµŃ€ŠµŃŠ½Š¾Šµ ŠøŠ· Š¼ŠøрŠ° ŠøŠ³Ń€ Š¾Š±Š·Š¾Ń€Ń‹, стŠ°Ń‚ŃŒŠø Šø Š¾Ń‚Š²ŠµŃ‚Ń‹ Š½Š° Š²Š¾ŠæрŠ¾ŃŃ‹

  387. Š“Š¾Ń‚Š¾Š²Ń‹ ŠæрŠµŠ“Š»Š¾Š¶Šøть Š²Š°Š¼ ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠµŃŃŠøŠ¾Š½Š°Š»ŃŒŠ½Ń‹Šµ усŠ»ŃƒŠ³Šø:
    “ŠœŠ°ŠŗсŠøŠ¼Š°Š»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ Š±Ń‹ŃŃ‚Ń€Š¾Šµ устрŠ°Š½ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š¾Š½Š»Š°Š¹Š½-сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Š¾Š² Š¼Š¾ŃˆŠµŠ½Š½ŠøŠŗŠ¾Š² ŠøŠ»Šø ŠŗŠ¾Š½ŠŗурŠµŠ½Ń‚Š¾Š²!”
    Š”ŠæрŠ¾ŃŠøтŠµ, ŠŗŠ°Šŗ?!
    – Š£ Š½Š°Ń Š¾Šæыт – Š±Š¾Š»ŃŒŃˆŠµ 10 Š»ŠµŃ‚.
    – ŠšŠ¾Š½Ń„ŠøŠ“ŠµŠ½Ń†ŠøŠ°Š»ŃŒŠ½Š°Ń Š¼ŠµŃ‚Š¾Š“ŠøŠŗŠ°.
    – ŠŠ°Ń€Š°Ń‰ŠøŠ²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ ссыŠ»Š¾Ń‡Š½Š¾Š¹ Š¼Š°ŃŃŃ‹ Š²ŠøрусŠ½Ń‹Š¼Šø ссыŠ»ŠŗŠ°Š¼Šø.
    – ŠŸŠ¾ŠøсŠŗŠ¾Š²Š°Ń сŠøстŠµŠ¼Š° Š¼Š¾Š¼ŠµŠ½Ń‚Š°Š»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ рŠµŠ°Š³ŠøруŠµŃ‚ Š½Š° Š½Š°ŃˆŠø Š±Š°Š·Ń‹.
    – Š’сŠµ рŠ°Š·Š¼ŠµŃ‰ŠµŠ½Š½Ń‹Šµ тŠµŠŗсты Š½Š° Š²ŠµŠ±-сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Šµ сŠæŠ°Š¼ŃŃ‚ся, чтŠ¾ Š“ŠµŠ»Š°ŠµŃ‚ Šøх Š½ŠµŃƒŠ½ŠøŠŗŠ°Š»ŃŒŠ½Ń‹Š¼Šø.
    – Š£ Š½Š°ŃˆŠµŠ¹ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ°Š½ŠøŠø Š¾Š³Ń€Š¾Š¼Š½Ń‹Šµ Š²Š¾Š·Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø Šø Š¼Š½Š¾Š³Š¾Š»ŠµŃ‚Š½ŠøŠ¹ ŠæрŠ°ŠŗтŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøŠ¹ Š¾Šæыт Š² этŠ¾Š¼ Š½Š°ŠæрŠ°Š²Š»ŠµŠ½ŠøŠø.

    Š”тŠ¾ŠøŠ¼Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ 7700 руŠ±Š»ŠµŠ¹
    ŠžŠæŠ»Š°Ń‚Š°: Yoo.Money, Bitcoin, ŠœŠ˜Š , Visa, MasterCard…
    Skype: Loves.Ltd
    Š¢Š¾Š»ŃŒŠŗŠ¾ этŠ¾Ń‚.

  388. ŠæŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»Š¾Š²Š°Ń‚ŃŒŃŃ Š½Š° сŠ°Š¹Ń‚ Š¼Š¾ŃˆŠµŠ½Š½ŠøŠŗŠ¾Š² [url=]ŠæŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»Š¾Š²Š°Ń‚ŃŒŃŃ Š½Š° сŠ°Š¹Ń‚ Š¼Š¾ŃˆŠµŠ½Š½ŠøŠŗŠ¾Š²[/url] .

  389. ŠŸŃ€ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚стŠ²ŃƒŠµŠ¼ Š²Š°Ń, ŠŗŠ¾Š»Š»ŠµŠ³Šø, Š½Š° Š²Š°ŃˆŠµŠ¼ ŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚Š°Š»Šµ!

    ŠœŃ‹ ŠæрŠµŠ“стŠ°Š²Š»ŃŠµŠ¼ Š°Š³ŠµŠ½Ń‚стŠ²Š¾ Š”Š•Šž ŠæрŠ¾Š“Š²ŠøŠ¶ŠµŠ½Šøя XRumer Co.

    Š’Š°Ńˆ рŠµŃŃƒŃ€Ń, ŠŗŠ°Šŗ Š¼Ń‹ Š·Š°Š¼ŠµŃ‚ŠøŠ»Šø, тŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠŗŠ¾ Š½Š°Ń‡ŠøŠ½Š°ŠµŃ‚ Š½Š°Š±ŠøрŠ°Ń‚ŃŒ Š¾Š±Š¾Ń€Š¾Ń‚Ń‹. Š”Š»Ń тŠ¾Š³Š¾, чтŠ¾Š±Ń‹ ŠæŠ¾ Š¼Š°ŠŗсŠøŠ¼ŃƒŠ¼Ńƒ усŠŗŠ¾Ń€Šøть ŠµŠ³Š¾ рŠ¾ŃŃ‚, Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŠ¼ ŠæрŠµŠ“Š»Š¾Š¶Šøть усŠ»ŃƒŠ³Šø ŠæŠ¾ Š²Š½ŠµŃˆŠ½ŠµŠ¹ Š”Š•Šž-Š¾ŠæтŠøŠ¼ŠøŠ·Š°Ń†ŠøŠø. ŠŸŃ€Š¾Š“Š²ŠøŠ¶ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š² ŠæŠ¾ŠøсŠŗŠ¾Š²ŠøŠŗŠ°Ń… ā€“ Š½Š°ŃˆŠ° сŠæŠµŃ†ŠøŠ°Š»ŠøŠ·Š°Ń†Šøя. Š’ Š°ŃŃŠ¾Ń€Ń‚ŠøŠ¼ŠµŠ½Ń‚Šµ ŠæрŠµŠ“стŠ°Š²Š»ŠµŠ½Ń‹ эффŠµŠŗтŠøŠ²Š½Ń‹Šµ SEO-ŠøŠ½ŃŃ‚Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ŠµŠ½Ń‚Ń‹ Š“Š»Ń эŠŗсŠæŠµŃ€Ń‚Š¾Š². ŠŠ°ŃˆŠø сŠæŠµŃ†ŠøŠ°Š»Šøсты Š¾Š±Š»Š°Š“Š°ŃŽŃ‚ Š·Š½Š°Ń‡ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Ń‹Š¼ Š¾ŠæытŠ¾Š¼ Šø ŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚Ń„Š¾Š»ŠøŠ¾ усŠæŠµŃˆŠ½Ń‹Ń… ŠæрŠ¾ŠµŠŗтŠ¾Š², ŠŗŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Ń€Ń‹Š¼Šø Š¼Ń‹ ŠæŠ¾Š“ŠµŠ»ŠøŠ¼ŃŃ ŠæŠ¾ Š·Š°ŠæрŠ¾ŃŃƒ.

    ŠœŃ‹ Š³Š¾Ń‚Š¾Š²Ń‹ ŠæрŠµŠ“Š»Š¾Š¶Šøть сŠŗŠøŠ“Šŗу 10% Š½Š° Š²ŃŠµ усŠ»ŃƒŠ³Šø.

    Š£ŃŠ»ŃƒŠ³Šø Š½Š°ŃˆŠµŠ¹ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ°Š½ŠøŠø:

    – Š Š°Š·Š¼ŠµŃ‰Š°ŠµŠ¼ трŠ°ŃŃ‚Š¾Š²Ń‹Šµ ссыŠ»ŠŗŠø (Š½ŠµŠ¾Š±Ń…Š¾Š“ŠøŠ¼Š¾ Š²ŃŠµŠ¼ сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Š°Š¼) ā€“ цŠµŠ½Š° 1500-5000 руŠ±

    – Š Š°Š·Š¼ŠµŃ‰Š°ŠµŠ¼ 2500 Š±ŠµŠ·Š°Š½ŠŗŠ¾Ń€Š½Ń‹Ń… ссыŠ»Š¾Šŗ (ŠæŠ¾Š»ŠµŠ·Š½Š¾ Š“Š»Ń Š»ŃŽŠ±Ń‹Ń… сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Š¾Š²) ā€“ 3900 р

    – ŠŸŃ€Š¾Š³Š¾Š½ ŠæŠ¾ 110000 сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Š°Š¼ (RU.Š·Š¾Š½Š°) ā€“ 2900 руŠ±Š»ŠµŠ¹

    – Š Š°Š·Š¼ŠµŃŃ‚ŠøŠ¼ 150 ŠæŠ¾ŃŃ‚Š¾Š² Š² VK Š¾ Š²Š°ŃˆŠµŠ¼ сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Šµ (ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŃ‚ Š² рŠµŠŗŠ»Š°Š¼Šµ) ā€“ 3.900 руŠ±

    – Š”тŠ°Ń‚ŃŒŠø ŠæрŠ¾ Š²Š°Ńˆ сŠ°Š¹Ń‚ Š½Š° 300 ŠøŠ½Ń‚ŠµŃ€Š½ŠµŃ‚-фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼Š°Ń… (Š¼Š¾Ń‰Š½Š°Ń рŠ°ŃŠŗрутŠŗŠ° ŠæŠ¾Ń€Ń‚Š°Š»Š°) ā€“ 29 тыс. руŠ±Š»ŠµŠ¹

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  395. A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
    Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
    He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.

    ā€œTom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,ā€ Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.

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  397. ŠšŠ°Ń‚Š°Š»Š¾Š³ эрŠ¾Ń‚ŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøх рŠ°ŃŃŠŗŠ°Š·Š¾Š² ŠæŠ¾Š“Š°Ń€Šøт тŠµŠ±Šµ Š²Š¾Š·Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ уŠ¹Ń‚Šø Š¾Ń‚ рутŠøŠ½Ń‹ Šø ŠæŠ¾Š³Ń€ŃƒŠ·Šøться Š² Š¼Šøр сŠµŠŗсŠ° Šø Š±ŠµŠ·ŃƒŠ“ŠµŃ€Š¶Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ Š½Š°ŃŠ»Š°Š¶Š“ŠµŠ½Šøя. ŠžŠ±ŃˆŠøрŠ½Š°Ń ŠŗŠ¾Š»Š»ŠµŠŗцŠøя рŠ°ŃŃŠŗŠ°Š·Š¾Š² Š“Š»Ń Š²Š·Ń€Š¾ŃŠ»Ń‹Ń… рŠ°Š·Š±ŃƒŠ“Šøт тŠ²Š¾Šµ Š²Š¾Š¾Š±Ń€Š°Š¶ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Šø ŠæрŠøŠ½ŠµŃŠµŃ‚ Š½ŠµŠ¼Ń‹ŃŠ»ŠøŠ¼Š¾Šµ уŠ“Š¾Š²Š¾Š»ŃŒŃŃ‚Š²ŠøŠµ.

  398. Š”Ń€Š°Š³Š¾Š½ ŠœŠ°Š½Šø ŠšŠ°Š·ŠøŠ½Š¾ ā€“ Š²Š°ŃˆŠµ Š¼ŠµŃŃ‚Š¾ Š“Š»Ń Š°Š·Š°Ń€Ń‚Š½Ń‹Ń… ŠæрŠøŠŗŠ»ŃŽŃ‡ŠµŠ½ŠøŠ¹! ŠŠ°ŃŠ»Š°Š¶Š“Š°Š¹Ń‚ŠµŃŃŒ шŠøрŠ¾ŠŗŠøŠ¼ Š²Ń‹Š±Š¾Ń€Š¾Š¼ ŠøŠ³Ń€, щŠµŠ“рыŠ¼Šø Š±Š¾Š½ŃƒŃŠ°Š¼Šø Šø Š·Š°Ń…Š²Š°Ń‚Ń‹Š²Š°ŃŽŃ‰ŠøŠ¼Šø турŠ½ŠøрŠ°Š¼Šø. Š‘ŠµŠ·Š¾ŠæŠ°ŃŠ½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ Šø чŠµŃŃ‚Š½Š°Ń ŠøŠ³Ń€Š° Š³Š°Ń€Š°Š½Ń‚ŠøрŠ¾Š²Š°Š½Ń‹. ŠŸŃ€ŠøсŠ¾ŠµŠ“ŠøŠ½ŃŠ¹Ń‚ŠµŃŃŒ Šŗ Š½Š°Š¼ Šø ŠøсŠæытŠ°Š¹Ń‚Šµ уŠ“Š°Ń‡Ńƒ Š² сŠ°Š¼Š¾Š¼ Š·Š°Ń…Š²Š°Ń‚Ń‹Š²Š°ŃŽŃ‰ŠµŠ¼ Š¾Š½Š»Š°Š¹Š½-ŠŗŠ°Š·ŠøŠ½Š¾!

  399. Famous French footballer Kylian Mbappe has become a global ambassador for Dior. The athlete will represent the men’s collections of creative director Kim Jones and the Sauvage fragrance, writes WWD. Mbappe’s appointment follows on from the start of the fashion house’s collaboration with the Paris Saint-Germain football club. Previously, Jones created a uniform for the team where Kylian is a player.

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  406. ŠŗуŠæŠøть Š“ŠøŠæŠ»Š¾Š¼ тŠµŃ…Š½ŠøŠŗŠ° [url=]ŠŗуŠæŠøть Š“ŠøŠæŠ»Š¾Š¼ тŠµŃ…Š½ŠøŠŗŠ°[/url] .

  407. ŠŸŠ¾Š“Š°Ń€Š¾Šŗ Š“Š»Ń ŠŗŠ¾Š½ŠŗурŠµŠ½Ń‚Š°
    Š¢Š°ŠŗŠ¾Š¹ ŠæŠ°ŠŗŠµŃ‚ Š±ŠµŃ€ŃƒŃ‚ Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠµŃ€ŠµŃŠæŠ°Š¼Š° Š°Š½ŠŗŠ¾Ń€ Š»ŠøстŠ° сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Š° ŠøŠ»Šø Š¼Š¾Ń‰Š½Š¾ усŠøŠ»Šøть ŠŠ§ Š·Š°ŠæрŠ¾ŃŃ‹
    [url=]ŠŸŠ¾Š“Š°Ń€Š¾Šŗ Š“Š»Ń ŠŗŠ¾Š½ŠŗурŠµŠ½Ń‚Š°[/url]

  408. ŠŸŃ€Š¾Š²ŠµŠ“ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š½ŠµŠ·Š°Š²ŠøсŠøŠ¼Š¾Š¹ стрŠ¾ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾Š¹ эŠŗсŠæŠµŃ€Ń‚ŠøŠ·Ń‹ ā€” сŠ»Š¾Š¶Š½Ń‹Š¹ ŠæрŠ¾Ń†ŠµŃŃ, трŠµŠ±ŃƒŃŽŃ‰ŠøŠ¹ Š³Š»ŃƒŠ±Š¾ŠŗŠøх Š·Š½Š°Š½ŠøŠ¹. ŠŠ°ŃˆŠø сŠæŠµŃ†ŠøŠ°Š»Šøсты Š¾Š±Š»Š°Š“Š°ŃŽŃ‚ Š²ŃŠµŠ¼Šø Š½ŠµŠ¾Š±Ń…Š¾Š“ŠøŠ¼Ń‹Š¼Šø Š½Š°Š²Ń‹ŠŗŠ°Š¼Šø, Š° Šøх Š·Š°ŠŗŠ»ŃŽŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя чŠ°ŃŃ‚Š¾ сŠ»ŃƒŠ¶Š°Ń‚ Š¾ŃŠ½Š¾Š²Š¾Š¹ Š“Š»Ń ŠæрŠøŠ½ŃŃ‚Šøя Š²ŠµŃ€Š½Ń‹Ń… стрŠ°Ń‚ŠµŠ³ŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøх рŠµŃˆŠµŠ½ŠøŠ¹. Š”трŠ¾ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾-тŠµŃ…Š½ŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠ°Ń эŠŗсŠæŠµŃ€Ń‚ŠøŠ·Š° ŠæŠ¾Š·Š²Š¾Š»ŃŠµŃ‚ Š²Ń‹ŃŠ²Šøть фŠ°ŠŗтŠ¾Ń€Ń‹, Š²Ń‹Š·Š²Š°Š²ŃˆŠøŠµ ухуŠ“шŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ эŠŗсŠæŠ»ŃƒŠ°Ń‚Š°Ń†ŠøŠ¾Š½Š½Ń‹Ń… хŠ°Ń€Š°ŠŗтŠµŃ€ŠøстŠøŠŗ Š¾Š±ŃŠŠµŠŗтŠ¾Š², ŠæрŠ¾Š²ŠµŃ€Šøть сŠ¾Š¾Ń‚Š²ŠµŃ‚стŠ²ŠøŠµ Š²Š¾Š·Š²ŠµŠ“ёŠ½Š½Ń‹Ń… Š·Š“Š°Š½ŠøŠ¹ Š³Ń€Š°Š“Š¾ŃŃ‚Ń€Š¾ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Ń‹Š¼ Š½Š¾Ń€Š¼Š°Š¼.

  409. The story of Mbappeā€™s rise to fame is as remarkable as his on-field feats. Mbappeā€™s journey from local pitches to global arenas was meteoric. His early days at AS Monaco showcased his prodigious talent, with his blistering speed and fearless dribbling dismantling opposition defenses.

  410. Š•Š¶ŠµŠ³Š¾Š“Š½Š¾ Š² тŠµŃ‡ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ сŠµŠ½Ń‚яŠ±Ń€Ń ŠæрŠ¾Ń…Š¾Š“Šøт Š¢ŃŽŠ¼ŠµŠ½ŃŠŗŠøŠ¹ ŠøŠ½Š½Š¾Š²Š°Ń†ŠøŠ¾Š½Š½Ń‹Š¹ фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ Ā«ŠŠ•Š¤Š¢Š¬Š“ŠŠ—Š¢Š­ŠšĀ».
    Š¤Š¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ ŠæŠ¾ŃŠ²ŃŃ‰ŠµŠ½ рŠ°Š·Š²ŠøтŠøю Š¼ŠµŃ…Š°Š½ŠøŠ·Š¼Š¾Š² ŠøŠ½Š½Š¾Š²Š°Ń†ŠøŠ¾Š½Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ ŠæрŠ¾Š“Š²ŠøŠ¶ŠµŠ½Šøя Š¾Š±Š»Š°ŃŃ‚ŠµŠ¹ тŠ¾ŠæŠ»ŠøŠ²Š½Š¾-эŠ½ŠµŃ€Š³ŠµŃ‚ŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠ¾Š³Š¾ ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠæŠ»ŠµŠŗсŠ°, рŠ°ŃŃŠ¼Š¾Ń‚Ń€ŠµŠ½Šøю Šø Š¾ŠæрŠµŠ“ŠµŠ»ŠµŠ½Šøю Š¾Ń‚Š²ŠµŃ‚Š¾Š², Š¾Š±Ń€Š°Š·Š¾Š²Š°Š½Šøю Š½Š°ŠøŠ»ŃƒŃ‡ŃˆŠøх усŠ»Š¾Š²ŠøŠ¹ Š“Š»Ń рŠ°Š·Š²ŠøтŠøя ŠøŠ½Š½Š¾Š²Š°Ń‚Š¾Ń€ŃŠŗŠøх ŠæрŠ¾ŠµŠŗтŠ¾Š². Š•Š¶ŠµŠ³Š¾Š“Š½Ń‹Š¹ тюŠ¼ŠµŠ½ŃŠŗŠøŠ¹ фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ яŠ²Š»ŃŠµŃ‚ся Š²Š»ŠøятŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾Š¹ Š“ŠøсŠŗуссŠøŠ¾Š½Š½Š¾Š¹ ŠæŠ»Š¾Ń‰Š°Š“ŠŗŠ¾Š¹ ŠæŠ¾ рŠ°Š·Š²ŠøтŠøю Š½ŠµŃ„Ń‚ŠµŠ³Š°Š·Š¾Š²Š¾Š¹ сфŠµŃ€Ń‹ Š² Š Š¾ŃŃŠøŠø, сŠ¾Š“ŠµŃ€Š¶Šøт Š²Ń‹ŃŠ¾ŠŗŠøŠ¹ Š°Š²Ń‚Š¾Ń€ŠøтŠµŃ‚ Šø сŠ²Š¾ŠµŠ²Ń€ŠµŠ¼ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ, сŠ¾Š·Š²ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½ ŠŗŠ¾Ń€ŠæŠ¾Ń€Š°Ń‚ŠøŠ²Š½Š¾Š¹ стрŠ°Ń‚ŠµŠ³ŠøŠø ŠæрŠ¾Š“Š²ŠøŠ¶ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠøŠ½Š½Š¾Š²Š°Ń‚Š¾Ń€ŃŠŗŠ¾Š³Š¾ ŠŗурсŠ° Š² Š Š¾ŃŃŠøŠø

  411. Š˜Š½Ń„Š¾Ń€Š¼Š°Ń†ŠøŠ¾Š½Š½Ń‹Š¹ рŠµŃŃƒŃ€Ń, ŠæŠ¾ŃŠ²ŃŃ‰ŠµŠ½ Š±ŠøŠ·Š½ŠµŃŃƒ, фŠøŠ½Š°Š½ŃŠ°Š¼, ŠøŠ½Š²ŠµŃŃ‚ŠøцŠøяŠ¼ Šø ŠŗрŠøŠæтŠ¾Š²Š°Š»ŃŽŃ‚Š°Š¼. Š”Š°Š¹Ń‚ ŠæрŠµŠ“Š»Š°Š³Š°ŠµŃ‚ эŠŗсŠæŠµŃ€Ń‚Š½Ń‹Šµ стŠ°Ń‚ŃŒŠø, Š°Š½Š°Š»ŠøтŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøŠµ Š¾Ń‚чŠµŃ‚Ń‹, стрŠ°Ń‚ŠµŠ³ŠøŠø Šø сŠ¾Š²ŠµŃ‚Ń‹ Š“Š»Ń ŠæрŠµŠ“ŠæрŠøŠ½ŠøŠ¼Š°Ń‚ŠµŠ»ŠµŠ¹ Šø ŠøŠ½Š²ŠµŃŃ‚Š¾Ń€Š¾Š². Š—Š“ŠµŃŃŒ Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ Š½Š°Š¹Ń‚Šø Š½Š¾Š²Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø Šø Š¾Š±Š·Š¾Ń€Ń‹ Š¾ Š±ŠøŠ·Š½ŠµŃŠµ, Š¼Š°Ń€ŠŗŠµŃ‚ŠøŠ½Š³Šµ, трŠµŠ¹Š“ŠøŠ½Š³Šµ, Š° тŠ°ŠŗŠ¶Šµ ŠæрŠ°ŠŗтŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøŠµ рŠµŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠµŠ½Š“Š°Ń†ŠøŠø ŠæŠ¾ рŠ°Š·Š»ŠøчŠ½Ń‹Š¼ Š²ŠøŠ“Š°Š¼ Š·Š°Ń€Š°Š±Š¾Ń‚ŠŗŠ° Šø уŠæрŠ°Š²Š»ŠµŠ½Šøю фŠøŠ½Š°Š½ŃŠ°Š¼Šø.

  412. A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
    Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
    He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.

    ā€œTom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,ā€ Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.

  413. ŠšŠ°Ń€ŃŒŠµŃ€Š½Ń‹Š¹ ŠŗŠ¾ŃƒŃ‡ ā€” эŠŗсŠæŠµŃ€Ń‚ рыŠ½ŠŗŠ° труŠ“Š°, ŠŗŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Ń€Ń‹Š¹ ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Š³Š°ŠµŃ‚ Š»ŃŽŠ“яŠ¼ Š¾ŠæрŠµŠ“ŠµŠ»Šøть сŠ²Š¾Šø ŠŗŠ°Ń€ŃŒŠµŃ€Š½Ń‹Šµ цŠµŠ»Šø, рŠ°Š·Š²ŠøŠ²Š°Ń‚ŃŒŃŃ Š² Š²Ń‹Š±Ń€Š°Š½Š½Š¾Š¹ Š¾Š±Š»Š°ŃŃ‚Šø Šø Š“Š¾ŃŃ‚ŠøŠ³Š°Ń‚ŃŒ усŠæŠµŃ…Š° Š² ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠµŃŃŠøŠ¾Š½Š°Š»ŃŒŠ½Š¾Š¹ Š“ŠµŃŃ‚ŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø.

  414. Š›ŃŽŠ±Š¾Š¼Ńƒ чŠµŠ»Š¾Š²ŠµŠŗу рŠ°Š½Š¾ ŠøŠ»Šø ŠæŠ¾Š·Š“Š½Š¾ ŠæрŠøхŠ¾Š“Šøтся ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠ·Š¾Š²Š°Ń‚ŃŒŃŃ усŠ»ŃƒŠ³Š°Š¼Šø стŠ¾Š¼Š°Ń‚Š¾Š»Š¾Š³ŠøчŠµŃŠŗŠøх ŠŗŠ»ŠøŠ½ŠøŠŗ. ŠŠø Š“Š»Ń ŠŗŠ¾Š³Š¾ Š½Šµ сŠµŠŗрŠµŃ‚, чтŠ¾ Š»ŠµŃ‡ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š·ŃƒŠ±Š¾Š² Šø ŠæŠ¾ŃŠ»ŠµŠ“ующŠµŠµ ŠæрŠ¾Ń‚ŠµŠ·ŠøрŠ¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ ā€“ ŠæрŠ¾Ń†ŠµŠ“уры Š“Š¾Š²Š¾Š»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ Š“Š¾Ń€Š¾Š³Š¾ŃŃ‚Š¾ŃŃ‰ŠøŠµ, Š½Šµ Š²ŃŠµ Š³Ń€Š°Š¶Š“Š°Š½Šµ Š¼Š¾Š³ŃƒŃ‚ ŠæŠ¾Š·Š²Š¾Š»Šøть сŠµŠ±Šµ Šøх Š¾ŠæŠ»Š°Ń‚Šøть, ŠµŃŠ»Šø Š²Š°Š¼ Š½ŠµŠ¾Š±Ń…Š¾Š“ŠøŠ¼Š¾ ŠæрŠ°Š¹Ń Š»Šøст стŠ¾Š¼Š°Ń‚Š¾Š»Š¾Š³ŠøŠø Š¼Ń‹ Š’Š°Š¼ Š¾Š±ŃŠ·Š°Ń‚ŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŠ¼.
    Š‘Š»Š°Š³Š¾Š“Š°Ń€Ń усŠ»ŃƒŠ³Š°Š¼, ŠŗŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Ń€Ń‹Šµ ŠæрŠµŠ“Š»Š°Š³Š°ŠµŃ‚ Š½Š°ŃŠµŠ»ŠµŠ½Šøю стŠ¾Š¼Š°Ń‚Š¾Š»Š¾Š³Šøя ŠœŠ°ŃŃŃ‚Ń€Š¾, Š»ŃŽŠ“Šø рŠ°Š·Š½Š¾Š³Š¾ фŠøŠ½Š°Š½ŃŠ¾Š²Š¾Š³Š¾ Š“Š¾ŃŃ‚Š°Ń‚ŠŗŠ° ŠøŠ¼ŠµŃŽŃ‚ Š²Š¾Š·Š¼Š¾Š¶Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃŒ Š½Šµ тŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠŗŠ¾ ŠæŠ¾Š“Š“ŠµŃ€Š¶ŠøŠ²Š°Ń‚ŃŒ Š·Š“Š¾Ń€Š¾Š²ŃŒŠµ ŠæŠ¾Š»Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø ртŠ°, Š½Š¾ Šø ŠæрŠ¾Ń…Š¾Š“Šøть Š²ŃŠµ Š½ŠµŠ¾Š±Ń…Š¾Š“ŠøŠ¼Ń‹Šµ ŠæрŠ¾Ń†ŠµŠ“уры. Š¦ŠµŠ½Ń‹ Š½Š° Š»ŠµŃ‡ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š·ŃƒŠ±Š¾Š² Šø ŠæрŠ¾Ń‚ŠµŠ·ŠøрŠ¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ Š·Š½Š°Ń‡ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾ Š½ŠøŠ¶Šµ, чŠµŠ¼ Š² Š“руŠ³Šøх Š¼ŠµŠ“учрŠµŠ¶Š“ŠµŠ½Šøях. ŠŠµŃŠ¼Š¾Ń‚Ń€Ń Š½Š° тŠ¾, чтŠ¾ ŠŗŠ»ŠøŠ½ŠøŠŗŠ° рŠ°Š±Š¾Ń‚Š°ŠµŃ‚ Š“Š»Ń шŠøрŠ¾ŠŗŠøх сŠ»Š¾ŠµŠ² Š½Š°ŃŠµŠ»ŠµŠ½Šøя, ŠæŠ°Ń†ŠøŠµŠ½Ń‚Ń‹ ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡Š°ŃŽŃ‚ ŠæŠ¾Š»Š½Ń‹Š¹ ŠæŠµŃ€ŠµŃ‡ŠµŠ½ŃŒ усŠ»ŃƒŠ³, ŠøсŠæŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠ·ŃƒŃ сŠ¾Š²Ń€ŠµŠ¼ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾Šµ Š¾Š±Š¾Ń€ŃƒŠ“Š¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ Šø ŠŗŠ°Ń‡ŠµŃŃ‚Š²ŠµŠ½Š½Ń‹Šµ Š¼Š°Ń‚ŠµŃ€ŠøŠ°Š»Ń‹. Š–ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŠ¼ Š“Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃƒŠæŠ½Ń‹ сŠ»ŠµŠ“ующŠøŠµ ŠæрŠ¾Ń†ŠµŠ“уры:
    ā€¢ ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠøŠ»Š°ŠŗтŠøŠŗŠ° ŠæŠ¾Š»Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø ртŠ°;
    ā€¢ Š»ŠµŃ‡ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š·ŃƒŠ±Š¾Š² с ŠøсŠæŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠ·Š¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµŠ¼ рŠ°Š·Š»ŠøчŠ½Ń‹Ń… Š¼ŠµŃ‚Š¾Š“Š¾Š²;
    ā€¢ ŠæŠ¾Š»Š½Š°Ń Š“ŠøŠ°Š³Š½Š¾ŃŃ‚ŠøŠŗŠ°;
    ā€¢ ŠæрŠ¾Ń„ŠµŃŃŠøŠ¾Š½Š°Š»ŃŒŠ½Š°Ń чŠøстŠŗŠ°;
    ā€¢ Š¾Ń‚Š±ŠµŠ»ŠøŠ²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ;
    ā€¢ ŠæрŠ¾Ń‚ŠµŠ·ŠøрŠ¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ.
    Š”Š¾Ń‚Ń€ŃƒŠ“Š½ŠøŠŗŠø учрŠµŠ¶Š“ŠµŠ½Šøя сŠ¾Š±Š»ŃŽŠ“Š°ŃŽŃ‚ Š²ŃŠµ сŠ°Š½ŠøтŠ°Ń€Š½Ń‹Šµ Š½Š¾Ń€Š¼Ń‹, Š° Š“Š»Ń тщŠ°Ń‚ŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Š¾Š¹ Š“ŠµŠ·ŠøŠ½Ń„ŠµŠŗцŠøŠø Šø стŠµŃ€ŠøŠ»ŠøŠ·Š°Ń†ŠøŠø ŠøŠ½ŃŃ‚Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ŠµŠ½Ń‚Š¾Š² ŠæрŠµŠ“усŠ¼Š¾Ń‚Ń€ŠµŠ½Š¾ сŠ¾Š²Ń€ŠµŠ¼ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾Šµ Š¾Š±Š¾Ń€ŃƒŠ“Š¾Š²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ.
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    Š‘Š»Š°Š³Š¾Š“Š°Ń€Ń стŠ¾Š¼Š°Ń‚Š¾Š»Š¾Š³ŠøŠø ŠœŠ°ŃŃŃ‚Ń€Š¾, чŠµŠ»Š¾Š²ŠµŠŗ с Š½ŠµŠ±Š¾Š»ŃŒŃˆŠøŠ¼ Š“Š¾ŃŃ‚Š°Ń‚ŠŗŠ¾Š¼ Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŃ‚ Š½Šµ тŠ¾Š»ŃŒŠŗŠ¾ Š²Ń‹Š»ŠµŃ‡Šøть Š·ŃƒŠ±Ń‹, Š½Š¾ Šø ŠæŠ¾Š“Š“ŠµŃ€Š¶ŠøŠ²Š°Ń‚ŃŒ Š·Š“Š¾Ń€Š¾Š²ŃŒŠµ рŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Š²Š¾Š¹ ŠæŠ¾Š»Š¾ŃŃ‚Šø. Š¢ŠµŠæŠµŃ€ŃŒ Š»ŃŽŠ±Š¾Š¹ чŠµŠ»Š¾Š²ŠµŠŗ Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŃ‚ Š½Šµ Š¾Ń‚ŠŗŠ»Š°Š“ыŠ²Š°Ń‚ŃŒ ŠæŠ¾Ń…Š¾Š“ Šŗ стŠ¾Š¼Š°Ń‚Š¾Š»Š¾Š³Ńƒ, Š²Ń‹Š±ŠøрŠ°Ń Š“Š¾ŃŃ‚ŃƒŠæŠ½Š¾Šµ ŠŗŠ°Ń‡ŠµŃŃ‚Š²ŠµŠ½Š½Š¾Šµ Š¾Š±ŃŠ»ŃƒŠ¶ŠøŠ²Š°Š½ŠøŠµ.

  415. ŠŗуŠæŠøть Š“ŠøŠæŠ»Š¾Š¼Ń‹ Š¾ Š²Ń‹ŃŃˆŠµŠ¼ Š² Š²Š¾Ń€Š¾Š½ŠµŠ¶Šµ [url=]ŠŗуŠæŠøть Š“ŠøŠæŠ»Š¾Š¼Ń‹ Š¾ Š²Ń‹ŃŃˆŠµŠ¼ Š² Š²Š¾Ń€Š¾Š½ŠµŠ¶Šµ[/url] .

  416. Kylian Mbappe is a French footballer, striker for Paris Saint-Germain and captain of the French national team. He began playing football in the semi-professional club Bondi, which plays in the lower leagues of France. He was noticed by Monaco scouts, which he joined in 2015 and that same year, at the age of 16, he made his debut for the Monegasques. The youngest debutant and goal scorer in the club’s history.

  417. Š²ŃŠŗрыть Š·Š°Šŗрытую Š“Š²ŠµŃ€ŃŒ [][/url] .

  418. ŠŸŠ¾Ń€Ń‚Š°Š» Š¾ Š·Š“Š¾Ń€Š¾Š²ŃŒŠµ Šø Š·Š“Š¾Ń€Š¾Š²Š¾Š¼ Š¾Š±Ń€Š°Š·Šµ Š¶ŠøŠ·Š½Šø, рŠµŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠµŠ½Š“Š°Ń†ŠøŠø Š²Ń€Š°Ń‡ŠµŠ¹ Šø ŠæŠ¾Š»ŠµŠ·Š½Ń‹Šµ сŠµŃ€Š²Šøсы. ŠŸŃ€Š¾ŃŃ‚Ń‹Šµ рŠµŠŗŠ¾Š¼ŠµŠ½Š“Š°Ń†ŠøŠø Š“Š»Ń уŠŗрŠµŠæŠ»ŠµŠ½Šøя Š·Š“Š¾Ń€Š¾Š²ŃŒŃ Šø ŠæŠ¾Š²Ń‹ŃˆŠµŠ½Šøя ŠŗŠ°Ń‡ŠµŃŃ‚Š²Š° Š¶ŠøŠ·Š½Šø.

  419. ŠæрŠ¾Š“Š²ŠøŠ¶ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ сŠ°Š¹Ń‚Š¾Š² Š² Š¼Š¾ŃŠŗŠ²Šµ ŠæряŠ¼Š¾ Š² тŠ¾Šæ [][/url] .

  420. ŠšŠ°Š¶Š“ыŠ¹ Š³Š¾Š“ Š² сŠµŃ€ŠµŠ“ŠøŠ½Šµ сŠµŠ½Ń‚яŠ±Ń€Ń Š¾Ń€Š³Š°Š½ŠøŠ·Š¾Š²Ń‹Š²Š°ŠµŃ‚ся Š¢ŃŽŠ¼ŠµŠ½ŃŠŗŠøŠ¹ ŠøŠ½Š½Š¾Š²Š°Ń†ŠøŠ¾Š½Š½Ń‹Š¹ фŠ¾Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ Ā«ŠŠ•Š¤Š¢Š¬Š“ŠŠ—Š¢Š­ŠšĀ».
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  421. Harry Edward Kane is an English footballer, forward for the German club Bayern and captain of the England national team. Considered one of the best football players in the world. He is Tottenham Hotspur’s and England’s all-time leading goalscorer, as well as the second most goalscorer in the Premier League. Member of the Order of the British Empire.

  422. Neymar da Silva Santos Junior is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a striker, winger and attacking midfielder for the Saudi Arabian club Al-Hilal and the Brazilian national team. Considered one of the best players in the world. The best scorer in the history of the Brazilian national team.

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  431. Philip Walter Foden better known as Phil Foden English footballer, midfielder of the Premier club -League Manchester City and the England national team. On December 19, 2023, he made his debut at the Club World Championship in a match against the Japanese club Urawa Red Diamonds, starting in the starting lineup and being replaced by Julian Alvarez in the 65th minute.

  432. Bernardo Silva Portuguese footballer, midfielder. Born on August 10, 1994 in Lisbon. Silva is considered one of the best attacking midfielders in the world. The football player is famous for his endurance and performance. The athlete’s diminutive size is more than compensated for by his creativity, dexterity and foresight.

  433. Jamal Musiala footballeur allemand, milieu offensif du club allemand du Bayern et du equipe nationale d’Allemagne. Il a joue pour les equipes anglaises des moins de 15 ans, des moins de 16 ans et des moins de 17 ans. En octobre 2018, il a dispute deux matchs avec l’equipe nationale d’Allemagne U16. En novembre 2020, il a fait ses debuts avec l’equipe d’Angleterre U21.

  434. Declan Rice Footballeur anglais, milieu defensif du club d’Arsenal et de l’equipe nationale equipe d’Angleterre. Originaire de Kingston upon Thames, Declan Rice s’est entraine a l’academie de football de Chelsea des l’age de sept ans. En 2014, il devient joueur de l’academie de football de West Ham United.

  435. Mohamed Salah e um futebolista egipcio que joga como atacante do clube ingles Liverpool e do Selecao egipcia. Considerado um dos melhores jogadores de futebol do mundo. Tricampeao da Chuteira de Ouro da Premier League inglesa: em 2018 (sozinho), 2019 (junto com Sadio Mane e Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang) e 2022 (junto com Son Heung-min).

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