It has been a while since this event but, for life of me you missed out if you didn’t go!
Le Public Space has the MOST PERFECT sound; my favourite type of venue is one with big heavy doors that lock the sound in. Dare I say that the sound is better than the upstairs of the old venue, there are no windows to rattle when a band go loud, deep, or driven by a bass line. Go to Le Public Space, see some new bands, go on, I dare ya!
Basic Bitches are a garage riot grrl loud AF trio from Brooklyn, New Jersey via Chichester. Watching them and taking in their powerful lyrics made me want to dye my hair a shade of teal and listen to L7 records, well technically L7 and Basic Bitches MP3s through a Bluetooth speaker.
The thing is, their songs aren’t a chant or march for rights and power, but they sure are angry and represent the trials and tribulations of a so-called grown-up riot grrl. Some particular lyrics that stood out on the night were:
‘I love my body, it amazes me
It’s isn’t perfect but it’s all I’ve got
And don’t try to shame me
Cos I look good in this no matter what’
From My Body, My Choice / Fuck Your White Bread President.
‘Now we’ve got ourselves a white bread president
And nothing’s great
He’s full of sodium and sky-high cholesterol
And chocolate cake
And maybe you’re wrong huh? Well it’s much too late
Your vote of spite, our twisted fate’
It’s a subtle anger, a subtle anger that we all feel. The sound is dirty and loud, the issues are real and the noise just amazing. As if it couldn’t get any better; a donation has been made to Planned Parenthood from the proceeds of these exceptionally cool cassettes and badges (buttons/pins if you prefer).
As always, support the bands you love. Listen to them however you can…even if that is an MP3 from a download card in a tape!
My Body, My Choice / White Bread President by Basic Bitches
Support came from the utterly marvellous Drunken Butterfly who did a smashing cover of Dress by (all hail) Queen Peeeej. I even managed to catch the utterly punk hurricanes that form Kiss Me, Killer, too. What a line-up! Stay tuned for album and merch reviews, coming up soon.