ShonkPhonic Acts

  • Black Wesker comprise a fusion of punk, indie and jazz with improvisation and stylistic changes that subvert the expecations of audiences and regular viewers. The band has developed a reputation for playing their songs in significantly different ways seemingly effortlessly. LINK TREE Fronted by singer [...]
  • The Good Mournings are an industrial, poet-punk band from Newport, South Wales. Featuring song-writing front man Jase Cannon (Hundred Cannons, Beta Pavilion) and guitarist Moush (Moush, Black Wesker) and a bright blue drum machine. GM was formed circa 2011 by two avid bootsale frequenters along [...]
  • The Rock Foxes hail from Swansea – A three piece powerhouse of pop punk. The band boasts six years of heavy gigging and songwriting, from the lighthearted to the delights of divorce the band cover it all, drawing from the likes of The Ramones, Blink [...]
  • Compacting all of the raw rock and roll energy of some of the biggest bands in the world into one man can’t be easy, but S&TBF is here to prove that it CAN be done. Hailing from Portugal, Shivers is a man of the world, [...]
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    Great With Custard, or GWC for the megafans are a three-piece indie rock band from Newport, South Wales. Led by Rob Murphy (of Sunlife fame) the band performs a medley of popular tunes from between the 60s and 80s as well as crafted original tunes [...]
  • Matia Malaka (soft eyes) is a two-piece no-wave band from Newport, South Wales. Focused on layering guitar loops, idiosyncacies and energies into an ever thickening prescription. Dialled back drums like failing machinery carry across the waves, breaking through, melding until it’s not possible to tell [...]
  • Ginger Moush has been making music in all kinds of capacities since around 2004. He purchased his first acoustic guitar for £5, learnt three chords and brought joy to campfires and family events with renditions of Half Man Half Biscuit tunes before eventually straying out [...]
  • An organic music generator comprising a liquidious core group of multi-instrumentalists. During live performances audience members are encouraged to join the band on stage and partake in pure phonic creation. Sometimes you will find a container of small slips of paper at the foot of [...]




First published 21 May 2018: There’s a place hidden in plain sight, an innocuous venue seamlessly disguised as something as beige and bland as a doctor’s waiting room. A place where the uninhabited can sneak […]

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